Friday, 18 March 2011

Sequels better than Originals - No. 8 - Eclipse

I know Twilight is stupid. Sparkly vampires, is Stephenie Meyer insane? So it’s almost impossible that a ridiculous film series has a watchable sequel, Twilight was mediocre and New Moon was a load of crap! Eclipse does surprisingly good qualities such as the slick direction by David Slade (who also directed Hard Candy and 30 Days of Night) the newborn vampires was an interesting idea.

Plus my future wife Bryce Dallas Howard takes over as the sexy and evil Victoria.

Sequels better than Originals - No. 9 - Aliens

Another obvious, James Cameron’s Aliens is far better than Ridley Scott’s Alien. Granted the original is very suspenseful and has the scariest version of the chest-bursting. But Aliens has a lot of action scenes, a much stronger performance from Sigourney Weaver and best of all, the Queen Alien!