Thursday 27 January 2011

Black Swan - Review - 5/5 stars

This is a very enjoyable film to watch even if it you don’t like ballet, since most of it is over-shadowed with a dark psychological story. Darren Aronofsky does a great job at putting the audience in the point-of-view of main character Nina (Natalie Portman) and like Nina has to wonder what is real and it is not. With clever camera shots, close-ups the scenes effectively the transformation Nina goes through both physically and mentally.

I’ve never particularly been a fan of Natalie Portman but she was fantastic and very believable when is literally changing from the white swan to the black swan. She makes the character Nina both likeable but also very disturbed, that even when goes crazy you can sympathise with. Natalie Portman has recently been nominated for an Oscar, she deserves to win. Vincent Kassel and Barbara Hershey both add great support as the Swan Lake producer and Nina’s mother. Then there’s the lovely Mila Kunis, who plays Nina’s rival Lily, who makes the character very versatile that it’s hard to work her intentions and can be interpreted two ways. Why wasn’t she nominated also? Winona Ryder also plays a small role as Beth, the prima ballerina Nina replaced, she’s very good I would’ve liked to have seen more of her character.

This film will keep you guessing throughout even with many WTF moments even including almost abusive scenes with Nina and her mother, reflections in the mirror and a sexy but freaky scene between Portman and Kunis, which all comes together in the final act. This is one of the best films made recently, nominated for five Oscars, including Best Picture, it deserves all of them.

If you see this thinking it’s going to be another chick/dance flick, then you are going to be freaked out.

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